
The Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand Electoral Administrators (PIANZEA) Network is a semi-formal association of electoral administrators working in the Pacific region. The network was founded at Korolevu, Fiji in October 1997.

The goal of the PIANZEA Network is: to continue and maintain in the Pacific spirit a close association of Pacific electoral administrators within an established networking arrangement to facilitate and encourage the free flow of electoral information among member countries and to provide assistance where possible.

The founding document of the network is known as the Warwick Declaration. The declaration was made at the Warwick Hotel, Korolevu, Fiji on 10 October 1997. The following is the text of that declaration:

"The participants at the South Pacific Electoral Administrators Conference hereby unanimously and collectively declare that it is indeed our joint commitment to continue and maintain in the Pacific spirit, a close association of Pacific Electoral Administrators with a view to establishing a networking arrangement to facilitate and encourage the free flow of electoral information among member countries and to provide assistance where possible."

The PIANZEA Secretariat is currently hosted by the Australian Electoral Commission.

If you have any questions about the PIANZEA network, please contact us.